- Full consultancy on legal, regulatory and self-regulatory issues related to the institutions that make up the National Financial System;
- Representing and defending clients in administrative proceedings before the Central Bank of Brazil, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the National Financial System Appeals Board;
- Advising and representing clients when going public, offering/issuing securities and raising funds via debt orequity.
- Consultancy and representation of the client in matters related to Investment Funds, including the structuring of Investment Funds (FIF, FIDC, FIP, FII and FIAGRO) and documents related to the operation.
- Consultancy and representation of the client in structuring processes and obtaining authorization to operate (BACEN, CVM and SUSEP), for financial institutions, fintechs, brokers, fiduciary administrators, asset managers, and other SFN entities;
- Legal structuring of legal documents aimed at managing receivables, credit assignments and asset securitization (CR, CRI, CRA).
- Advising and representing the client on issues related to exchange regulation, cryptoassets, and structures involving the tokenization of financial assets;
- Structuring legal documents relating to the financing of projects, by obtaining bank finance or issuing securities;
- Due Diligence infinancial institutions, stock brokers and other entities that are part of the National Financial System;
- Filing and defending any and all lawsuits or arbitration proceedings aimed at protecting financial institutions, leasing companies, securities distributors, asset management companies, brokerage firms and commercial development companies, Fintechs, and other entities linked to the financial, capital and futures markets;
- Our Financial and Capital Markets team has worked in partnership with the Corporate Law, Health Law, Tax Law, Economic Criminal Law and Litigation teams.