- Acting in lawsuits in all instances of Brazilian justice in defense of hospital entities, doctors and their respective care teams, health insurance companies, healthtechs and their employees;
- Advising clients on the preparation of legal opinions, drafting and reviewing contracts and legal documents relating to the medical, hospital, health insurance and insurance areas;
- Regulatory work for the National Supplementary Health Agency (ANS), responding to the Preliminary Investigation Notification (NIP) and implementing strategies and measures to reduce the number of cases;
- Acting in partnership with the Corporate Law and Financial and Capital Markets areas in the structuring of companies, in mergers and acquisitions, advising on structured investments related to the health area, hospitals, healthtechs, health insurance, including due diligence procedures;
- Acting in administrative procedures with the National Health Agency; Regional Councils of Medicine; Regional Councils of Nursing, Regional Councils of Dentistry and other supervisory councils of regulated professions related to the area of Health and Sanitary Surveillance;
- Litigation management through partial or full outsourcing of the represented entity’s portfolio of judicial or administrative proceedings, with an exclusive team working for the client;
- Working in partnership with the Economic Criminal Law area on issues related to investigating and curbing fraud against health plans and insurance, as well as offenses related to health law.