- Advising on real estate acquisitions and sales, drafting legal instruments for residential and corporate leases, rentals, assignment of use, donation, transfer to other titles, construction and real estate development;
- Advice and formulation of legal instruments in matters related to real estate financing operations, constitution of real estate guarantees, fiduciary alienation of real estate, securitization of real estate credits (operations involving the issuance of CRI, acting by the originator or the securitizer), real estate investment funds, FIAGRO Imobiliário, and constitution of business companies for a specific real estate function;
- Full practice in litigation involving real estate and construction issues;
- Working in partnership with the corporate law area on issues involving the incorporation of real estate holding companies, mergers and acquisitions of real estate companies or companies holding real estate assets, including due diligence procedures;
- Tax advice on issues related to the transfer of ownership and any transactions involving real estate.